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Posts Tagged ‘sleep’

by Jake Beus

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December 2nd, 2011

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The Power of Sleep

As I was thinking what to write about this morning, I was suddenly overcome with sleepiness. Naturally, I knew I should write about sleeping. The Spanish verb ‘dormir’ means ‘to sleep’. Here is a list of Spanish idioms that use a form of the verb ‘dormir’. Notice how I tell you what the word means, and that I use it in a sentence.

el dormilón, la dormilona | sleepyhead, someone who sleeps a lot
No me gusta despertar a mi hijo. Es un dormilón. | I don’t like to wake up my son. He’s a sleepyhead.
¿Son las once de la mañana ya? ¡Qué dormilón! | It’s already 11 in the morning. What a long time I slept!

dormir a alguien | to deceive someone, to pull the wool over someone’s eyes
El empleado nos durmió a todos y se quedó con la lana. | The employee deceived all of us and kept the money.
El jefe durmió a sus empleados y los despidió. | The boss deceived his employees and fired them.

dormir como un tronco | to sleep like a log
Suelo dormir como un tronco. | I usually sleep like a log.
Ojalá que mi hija pueda dormir como un tronco. | I hope that my daughter can sleep like a log.

dormir la mona | to sleep it off
Vete a dormir la mona. | Go sleep it off.
Tomaba demasiado y durmíó la mona. | He was drinking too much and slept it off.

As the weekend draws near, I hope that you will be able to get enough sleep. More importantly though, I hope that you can use these phrases in your Spanish conversations.

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