Spanish is one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world. Did you know there are a total of 21 Spanish speaking countries? Here is a list of those countries and their capitals:
Argentina, Buenos Aires
Bolivia, La Paz, Sucre
Chile, Santiago
Colombia, Bogotá
Costa Rica, San José
Cuba, Havana
Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo
Ecuador, Quito
El Salvador, San Salvador
Equatorial Guinea, Malabo
Guatemala, Guatemala City
Honduras, Tegucigalpa
Mexico, Mexico City
Nicaragua, Managua
Panama, Panama City
Paraguay, Asunción
Peru, Lima
Puerto Rico, San Juan
Spain, Madrid
Uruguay, Montevideo
Venezuela, Caracas
Wouldn’t it be amazing to visit every one of these countries? Check out our new Spanish Speaking Countries page and see which ones you might want to visit. We will be adding new info regularly on each of these countries, so check it out. I’ll admit I’ve only been to one: Mexico. How many Spanish speaking countries have you been to? List them in the comment section!