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Spanish At The Park

by Jake Beus

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September 6th, 2011

Speaking Spanish at the Park

Spanish at the Park

Parks seem to be universal. Wherever you go, whatever city you visit, there will probably be some sort of park within a reasonable distance. With that in mind, you better learn some Spanish park vocabulary.

bench | banca
duck pond | estanque de patos
horseback rider | caballista
playground | área de juego/parque
seesaw | subibaja
swings | columpios
slide | resbaladilla/chorrera
trash can | basurero/zafacón
park | parque
water fountain | bebedero/fuente
I want to go the park. | Quiero ir al parque.
Be careful. | Ten cuidado.

Challenge: Visit a local park, do your best to only speak in Spanish, and tell me about your experience.

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4 Responses

  1. Bill Taylor says:

    Muchás Graciás, amígo! this looks very much like what I need as a disabled veteran with bo income. 20% of my neighborhood is Latino and I need to speak better with them… everyone of them.

  2. K.S.Sundaram says:

    Muy bien. excellente-srinivasan sundaram

  3. Thank you for your recommendation. To be true one of the best ways to pratice Spanish is to repeat ordinary words.
    I travelled to San Sebastian, see http://www.spanishintour.com/info/coastal-locations/san-sebastian.html , where apart from parks you can sunbath on the beach!

  4. What a great list of important park vocabulary! Plazas and parks are so important in Hispanic communities, and such a great place to make friends.

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