Day 96 of the Learn Spanish Challenge! Watch the video!
“You can’t fly if you never jump!” -Anonymous
Learn Spanish Challenge, Day 96
Bonus Section 13, Unit 2 Colors
Virtual Instructor
Listen and Repeat
Memory Machine
Listen and Don’t Repeat
Review Game
Are you new to the Learn Spanish Challenge? Begin at Day 1.
Congratulations for making it to Day 96 of the Learn Spanish Challenge! Because you are in the Bonus Section, it means that you are almost done with Level 1. That is quite an accomplishment! Today’s quote is another reminder that you must jump in order to fly. Each day of practice is like jumping and you fly when you put what you have learned into practice by engaging with others.
Today in the Spanish lessons, you are going to move on to the Colors unit of the Bonus Section of the Visual Link Spanish Level 1 course. You are obviously going to be learning the colors in Spanish. There will be plenty of review of the Spanish colors, so you should feel pretty confident with them after today’s lessons. Dave also encourages you to purchase a copy of “501 Spanish Verbs” for you to prepare for the Spanish Verb courses.
These videos are being posted on the blog under the category “Learn Spanish Challenge”. You can also watch the videos on our YouTube channel, and I post them daily on Facebook and Twitter as well.
Ain’t nobody gonna stop you.
Tags: day 96